Tomorrow is PTO Fun day. You will get wet. Please bring a change of clothes and dry shoes. Bring a hat, towel, and sunglasses. Sun screen will be provided but if you have a specific kind for your child, please send it with them.
PE Field Day 2022 was a blast!!!
Spanishburg School had fun doing March Math Madness. Teams competed daily with math fluency facts with a bonus of a foul shot and relay. Congratulations to team Hookies and team Spiders for winning March Math Madness.
Please join us for awards.
If you ordered flowers, they will be ready for pick up between 12 noon and 3 pm tomorrow, May 11, 2022. Please come to the parent loop at the PreK doors. Thank you.
No school tomorrow, May 10, 2022 due to Election Day.
Thank you PTO for our baskets! Plus the delicious lunch! It was a great day!
Tomorrow starts our state testing. Please go to bed on time, eat a good breakfast and be ready to ROCK that test!
Congratulations to Miranda Meadows for winning third place in the county in the metal division for grades 3rd to 5th grades.
Administrative Assistant Day is a big deal for Spanishburg School when you have the best! We love you Mrs. Mitchem.
Tutoring is canceled for tomorrow and it was our last tutoring session for the school year. We enjoyed all the students who participated in tutoring. Look for tutoring next school year.
Spanishburg School will have an application of herbicide spray for weed control on this Friday, April 15, 2022 after school with a rain date of April 16, 2022. Map of application area is in the school office. No entry is allowed in this area until April 18, 2022. More information is available in the office.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, poor weather forecast, and the recent uptick in covid cases, we have made the difficult decision of not allowing parents to participate in our Easter festivities.
We look forward to Awards Day and Fun Day and hope that circumstances will allow for full parental participation.
Please let us know tomorrow if you plan on attending our summer THRIVE program July 11th-14th, or July 18th-21st or if you are planning to attend both weeks. If you are not planning on attending, please let us know that as well. Also, the flower fundraiser is due tomorrow and we are wearing green in honor of the PVMS student. Thank you.
Spanishburg School would like to announce their Service Person of the year, Mrs. Teresa Mitchem. Mrs. Mitchem is the school's secretary and a member of the community. She is the first welcoming face or voice that parents and visitors see/hear. She always greets them with a smile and positive attitude. We are blessed to have her. Give her a shout out in the comments.
Spanishburg School would like to announce their Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Tina Bryant. Raise your hand if you had Mrs. Bryant as your Kindergarten teacher. I know that made you smile! Because you remember how amazing she is. She is an asset to our school and community. We are so proud to have her represent Spanishburg School. Let her know what she means to you in the comments.
Tomorrow is the deadline for letting us know if you want the four day food for spring break.
Congratulations to our Trash to Treasure Winners!! We are so proud of you!
Due this week, THRIVE survey, please let us know if you plan on attending in July. Spring Pictures orders have been extended to Friday. Trash to Treasure projects are due in the morning. Flower fundraiser due this Friday. These are beautiful flowers and at a good price. Just in time for Mother's Day.
Kindergarten registration is tomorrow, March 31, 2022. Please call the school if you need an appointment.