4H Winter Camp Invite
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
4H flyer
Bus 601 Mr. Horne is broke down and a replacement bus is almost there. Please stay at bus stops. The sub driver will be there shortly.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
Spring Pictures are tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
Spring Portraits Flyer
Today, we had our first assembly in two years! Mick Souter did an railroad presentation with story telling and music called All Aboard the Iron Horse. The students loved it!
almost 3 years ago, Spanishburg School
picture of Mick Souter
picture of Mick Souter
picture of Mick Souter
picture of Mick Souter
Wear green tomorrow for St. Patrick's Day. Friday, March 18th is a two hour early dismissal day. We will dismiss at 12:15 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
Please join us on ZOOM on Thursday, March 10, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
Title I parent involvement flier
Our school rocked our IXL competition! Congratulations to them all! Each class had a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winner and then we had an overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winner. The highest was 2,514 questions answered! Here are the winners!
almost 3 years ago, Spanishburg School
student pictures
student pictures
student pictures
Had a fun day with Thing One and Thing Two!
almost 3 years ago, Spanishburg School
school students
school students
school students
Pawsitive Office Referrals are great! Congratulations to Lake Dunford, Luke Sweetser, London Fletcher and Alex Lilly! We are so proud of you!
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe
Pictures of Students
Picture of student
Picture of student
Picture of student
Mercer County BOE Votes to Make Mask Wearing Optional At the February 22nd meeting, the Mercer County Board of Education voted to move its mask guidance from mandatory to optional. This means that mask usage in buildings and on school buses will be optional for both students and staff. This decision is being made as Mercer County and Mercer County Schools positive case numbers are going down after the increase during the winter holidays. Masks may also be required at individual school sites if Covid-19 transmission rates warrant a mask requirement. Mercer County Schools will still have masks available to anyone wanting one. We will also continue communicating with the Mercer County Health Department about special cases and any concerning trends in classrooms or schools. The superintendent may institute practices if determined necessary in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The ultimate goal is to protect our students and prioritize learning. Given the quick spread of the Omicron variant and its rapid clinical course, it has made contact tracing in schools impractical when combined with the newly reduced timelines for quarantine and isolation set by the CDC. With that being said, Mercer County Schools will not perform contact tracing on behalf of the Mercer County Health Department. All Mercer County schools are now reporting positive cases to a new WV DHHR tracking survey, which appears on Fridays at https://wvde.us/covid19/school-covid-dashboard/
almost 3 years ago, Amy Harrison
Pre-K Registration will be on March 10th and 11th by appointment. We will contact you with your appointment time. Kindergarten Registration will be on March 31st from 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Please contact the school to get your appointment time.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Boothe