Hello, Little Beaver Families! There are two days left for students to shop our Scholastic Book Fair during school. A few teachers have arranged an evening shopping event so that families can come out to shop with or for their children. The Book Fair will be open tomorrow evening from 4:30-6:30pm. We hope to see you all tomorrow! Have a wonderful evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beavers Families! This is a reminder that we will be doing the Writing Assessment school-wide tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5th. Please be sure your child gets plenty of rest tonight and is at school on time in the morning. Please encourage your child to do his/her very best on the prompt given! Thank you and have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! This message is to remind everyone of our drop off and pickup procedures. Drop off begins at 7:00 and should be done at the third grade entrance. After 7:20, morning traffic is routed to the main entrance where a single lane of traffic proceeds through the loop. If a car is parked, please use caution when moving around it to exit the line. Drivers are asked to not make a turn without using the loop. Students should be ready to exit the vehicle upon arrival to help keep the line moving smoothly. In the afternoons, we ask that those arriving early to pick up students drive down to the Pavilion, turn toward the school, and join the line. Because Southview Drive is used by residence in the neighborhood beyond BIS, it is important that our pickup line traffic pull as far to the side of the road as possible so that the road is accessible and passable for other vehicles. Thank you for helping maintain these procedures to keep our Little Beavers safe! Have a nice evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Our fourth and fifth graders have been invited to hear a guest speaker at Bluefield High School tomorrow, Tuesday, February 20th. Permission slips were sent at the end of last week. Please be sure to complete/return those or message your child's teacher on Class Dojo to confirm that your child is able to attend. We must have your permission in order for your student to participate. As with any trip, students that have below an 80% in Conduct and those that have had Out of School suspension during the current grading period are not able to attend. Have a lovely evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, February 9th will be our 100th day celebration. Students are invited to dress in NEON for our Glow Party or in 100 day gear. Have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Our school level Social Studies Fair has been moved to Wednesday, January 31st. Students should bring their completed project boards and accompanying documents to school on Tuesday, January 30th so that everything is ready for presentations on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher. Have a nice evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 23rd will be Picture Day at BIS. Class photos will be taken as will individual pictures of students that were not present/enrolled for the original Picture Day in the Fall and for anyone wanting to do a retake. Class pictures are $10 each and there are various packages for individual photos. Payment for class pictures can be sent in tomorrow or purchased online at Strawbridge.net through midnight of 1/28/23 using FM431456 as the code. Proofs for individual photos will be sent out in a few weeks and ordering instructions will be provided with those. Have a great evening!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Attention BIS MONDAY TUTORING Participants: We will have after school tutoring today, Monday, January 22nd. Please be reminded that students that are parent pickup must be picked up by 4:15. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Laptops were sent home with students on Thursday. Please help your child remember that school issued devices are for instructional use only. It's important that laptops and accessories such as headphones and chargers remain in their bags when not in use. Devices should be charged so that they are ready to be used when we return to school. Please have your child put their laptop bag with their other items they wear/bring to school so that he/she doesn't forget to bring it. Stay warm!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
January 23rd will be Picture Day at BIS! Any student that was absent or not yet enrolled for Fall Pictures will take their individual photo on 1/23/24. Anyone wanting a retake from their Fall shot will also be able to be photographed again. Class Pictures will be taken next Tuesday. All photos can be purchased online at www.strawbridge.net. Class pictures will be $10 each and the code to enter for online purchases is FM431456. Individual pictures have various package options and will feature a unique code for online purchasing. Should weather interfere with this schedule, we will inform you of new arrangements ASAP.
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beavers Families! Since most of our students do not have their laptops, we are asking that students complete the following tasks for tomorrow's Reimagined Day: Reading- Write 3-5 sentences about what you like to do when school is unexpectedly cancelled. Math- Review Multiplication Facts.
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Attention BIS Families: The power is currently out at BIS, which also means our phone lines are down. We don't yet know when to expect restoration. Because we're only an hour from regular dismissal time, we will not be releasing early. If you need to contact us, please reach out to your child's teacher on Class Dojo. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We are so excited to see our students in the morning! We wanted to remind everyone that our earliest drop off time is 7:00am and our tardy bell rings at 7:35am. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time. Dismissal begins at 2:20pm and all students must be picked up by 2:45pm. If students brought devices home over break, please remind them to bring them back tomorrow. Happy 2024!
about 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Part 2: We also want to remind you that pepperoni roll orders and payments are due tomorrow. Tomorrow may be the last day of our Holiday Shop due to inventory being depleted. All items are $5 or less, so it is a great opportunity for students to purchase gifts. Tomorrow is Rudolph/Red day. Field trip permission slips must be turned in before we leave on Thursday morning. Thank you for everything !
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hi, Little Beavers! We want to thank everyone that came out to our event at the Granada this evening. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked through the glitches that came up just as we were getting started with the performance. Our students worked hard to learn the lyrics and movements for the songs they sang, so we are grateful that they were able to show you what they have accomplished!
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Tomorrow kicks off our holiday dress up days with a theme of holiday shirts, sweaters, scarves, or socks. Tomorrow evening is also our Holiday Harmony Concert at the Granada. Students need to be at the theatre at 4:45 to get lined up and to run through their songs. The performance will begin at 5:30. Admission is FREE! We hope you'll all join us! Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Big "Thank Yous" to everyone that made our Winter Carnival a success last night! Everyone had an enjoyable time, which is the biggest reason we offer these events! We wanted to remind you of a few things and make sure you're aware of a couple other details: -Tuesday, Dec. 12th is our Winter Concert at the Granada at 5:30. Students need to arrive early in order to get lined up and run through their songs before the show. All admission is free for this event! -Flyers went out today for our annual December Pepperoni Roll sale. Orders and payment are due on Wednesday, 12/13. The rolls will be available for pickup on 12/21 from 1:00-4:00pm. -Permission slips for our schoolwide trip to Bluefield University on 12/14 went out yesterday. Students must have an 80 or above in Conduct in order to attend. Permission slips must be turned in prior to the trip so that those eligible may participate. -There will be a Winter Dance on Thursday, 12/14 from 5:00-6:30pm. Again, students must have an 80 or above in Conduct to attend. -Our PTO is sponsoring a Holiday Shop next week during school hours. More information be sent on the price range of available items. -Next week begins our Christmas Spirit Dress Up Days! -Don't forget Friday PJ Days for Perfect Attendance! If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher on Class Dojo or Schoology!
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Don't forget our Winter Carnival this evening from 5-7pm. Admission for children over 3 years old is $5; younger children and adults enter free of charge. There will be lots of fun games, which are all covered under admission! Concessions will be sold separately at $1 per item. Adults must remain with children during the event. We hope to see you all out this evening!
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder that students & staff who've had perfect attendance this week are encouraged to celebrate by participating in PJ Friday tomorrow! #AttendanceMatters
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello Little Beaver Families! Tuesday, December 5th will be our annual Winter Carnival, sponsored by our PTO! We hope you'll all be able to join us from 5:00-7:00pm for an evening of fun! Admission for children over the age of 3 will be $5 per child. Those under 3 and adults enter at no cost! Concessions will be sold for $1 per item & pictures with our Snowman will be available for $5. We are asking for donations of cases of water, packs of canned soda, individually bagged variety chips, Capri Sun drink pouches, & Little Debbie snack cakes to help offset the upfront cost to our PTO. If you are able to contribute, please send your donation to the school office. See you on Tuesday evening!
over 1 year ago, Bluefield Intermediate