Hello, Little Beaver Families! Don't forgot that t-shirt/sweatshirt orders and payment are due tomorrow, Monday, March 24th. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser! Every dollar helps get us closer to our goal to update our playground! Have a great evening!
2 days ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We have a couple of reminders that we hope will help the remainder of the year go smoothly: -Cell phones are not to be in use in elementary schools per county policy. The same applies to smart watches. Please be sure your child understands that they are not allowed to use these devices at school. -Toys distract from the learning process and should not be brought to school. Please encourage your child to keep all unnecessary items at home. -Maintaining a safe flow of traffic is very important. Please be reminded that buses always have the right of way on school property. Vehicles should not be passing one another in the drop off line, nor should there be a second lane of car traffic in bus loop at the main entrance of the school. Please be considerate of other drivers and watch for children as they are crossing. We understand that everyone has places to be but safety cannot be compromised to accommodate schedules. Thank you for your help and continued support! Have a great evening!
6 days ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Girl Scout cookies that were ordered from our troop members are available for pickup this afternoon at the school from 3-4. We had originally planned for them to be in the parking lot but they've moved inside due to the weather today. If you're coming to pickup cookies, come to the main entrance of BIS and they will get your order for you! Have a good evening!
8 days ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Just a reminder that we have a dance tonight from 5-6:30 here at the school. Admission is $5 and concessions will be sold separately. The event is for BIS students only and anyone ineligible to attend would have been contacted by their child's teacher. Also, as a reminder, we're kicking off Read Across America Week a bit early with our PJ Day tomorrow! Students may wear their pajamas and bring a small stuffed reading buddy. If they have a favorite book, they're also welcome to welcome to bring it along! Information about our themes for next week was posted to our school Facebook page and on our Dojo stories. We are looking forward to celebrating our love of reading here at BIS! Enjoy the evening!
26 days ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Read Across America Themes
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We will still be celebrating 100 days of school today, Tuesday, February 18th. We're looking forward to really shining with our students at our Glow Party! Stay warm and be safe!
about 1 month ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Glow Party
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Since schools were Closed today, students do not need to work on the packets that we sent in preparation for a potential Reimagined Day. We also wanted to let you know that we still plan to celebrate our 100th Day tomorrow if we're in school. Should something change due to weather related schedule alterations, we'll send word out promptly. Stay in if you can and be safe if you can't!
about 1 month ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Work packets were sent home with students today in case a Reimagined Day would be called due to the weather in the coming days. Students do not need to work on these unless Mercer County Schools announce that a Reimagined Day is in place. If there are any changes to our 100th Day Celebration, our upcoming dance, or our Valentine parties, we will send that information out as early as possible. Bundle up and stay warm in these cold!
about 1 month ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Second quarter report cards were sent home with students today. Please be sure to ask your Little Beaver to see theirs if they've not already shown you! Thank you for your continued support as we head into the last half of the school year! Enjoy your evening!
about 2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder that we have Strawbridge coming tomorrow, Monday, February 3rd. They will photograph students that weren't present on the original picture day (9/24/24) and anyone that would like a retake photo. Also, they will be taking class pictures for each homeroom group. Information about purchasing pictures will be sent home and is featured on our school Facebook page (post made on 1/28/25). We're looking forward to seeing sharp dressed, smiling Little Beavers in the morning! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, folks!
about 2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Recently, we've seen an influx of students bringing toys and electronics to school. These items can be distracting and students also risk losing these items when they have them at school. We've also had students bringing scented items such as body sprays and lotions. Many students and staff have allergy/respiratory issues that are triggered by heavily scented products. Please talk to your child about making sure they only bring necessary items in their backpacks or in the pockets of their jackets and clothing. Thank you for your help with this!
about 2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Our Winter Dance has been rescheduled for this Thursday, January 30th from 4:30-6:00pm. Admission is $5 per student and concessions will be sold separately. The event is for BIS students only and students must maintain an 80% or higher in Conduct/have no OSS during the grading period in order to be eligible to attend. Also, our Fall Picture Retake Day & Class Picture Day has been scheduled for this coming Monday, February 3rd. Students that were not present or those that were unhappy with their original picture may participate in individual retakes. Packet information is available on our Dojo and Facebook pages. All students will be included in the taking of class photos. Purchasing this is optional and they will cost $10 for anyone wanting to buy a copy of their child's class group photo. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions. Have a good evening!
about 2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Winter dance 1/30/25 4:30-6:00
Picture Retake 2/3/25
Picture Packets for Purchase
Class Picture Purchase Price
Group Photo Order Form
Flyer Info
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Bus 684, which is our late bus, will be later than usual this afternoon.
2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Due to the cold temperatures forecasted for today, we have decided to postpone the dance we had scheduled for this evening. Updated flyers will be sent out with the new date. Bundle up and stay warm!
2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! Directions for today's remote learning were posted by individual teachers on Dojo/Schoology. The same will be the case for tomorrow's expectations. Some grade levels/classes will be doing the next section of pages in the packets that were started today; others will post extension activities/new materials. If you have questions, please call the school at 304-327-8339 or message your child's teacher tomorrow between 9:30am-2:30pm. Stay warm, families!
2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
remote info day 2
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We hope you are all doing well and staying warm! For tomorrow, Tuesday, 1/21/25, our students will use the paper packets that were previously sent home for their remote learning day. Teachers will post the materials on Dojo/Schoology in case work packets have been misplaced. School staff will be available from 9:30-2:30 should you or your child have any questions. Students can always benefit from practice with math fact fluency, multiplication/division practice, and solving word problems. Reading, particularly articles about nonfictional topics, is always a great way to keep skills sharp! Please note that music auditions that were originally scheduled for tomorrow after school have been postponed. Have a great evening!
2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
reimagined info
auditions postponed
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We are so excited to see our students bright and early in the morning! Since we've been out of our routines for a few weeks, we wanted to send out a reminder about our school schedule: -Earliest drop off is 7am. Please do not let your child out before this time as there will not be staff on duty prior to 7:00am. -Our tardy bell rings at 7:35am. Students need to be in the classroom before this time in order to not be counted tardy. Please account for the delay caused by the traffic light at the four way stop just out from the school. -Dismissal begins at 2:20pm and ends at 2:45pm. -Please keep in mind that the buses have the right of way anytime the path of car traffic and buses intersect. -Tutoring will resume for those students that had been participating prior to break starting tomorrow, Monday, January 13th. Tuck those Little Beavers in early tonight so they're ready for a fresh start in the morning! See you soon, folks!
2 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder about our Winter Concert tonight. For students planning to participate, please have them at Bluefield High School by 5:45pm so we can get them lined up and ready to perform. The show will begin at 6pm in the BHS Auditorium. We hope you'll be able to join us! Also, don't forget that there is no school for students tomorrow, December 20th. Students do not return to school until Monday, January 6th. Have a wonderful holiday season!
3 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We have Spirit Week these days leading up to winter break. If your child is able, we'd love to have him/her participate in our daily themes. Tomorrow is Holiday Headgear where students can wear headbands, hats, etc. Tuesday is Character Day which is when we'll be wearing things with Santa, the Grinch, Rudolph, etc. Wednesday is for Warm Winter PJs! Bundle up and come cozy, Little Beavers! Wednesday is also class party day. If you would like to donate snacks, please reach out to your child's teacher to let him/her know what you'll be sending. We're calling our last day before break Throughly Decked Out Thursday! Send your child in an ugly Christmas sweater, festive shirt, holiday socks, etc. Thursday evening is our Winter Concert. It will be held at Bluefield High School, beginning at 6:00pm. Students should arrive by 5:45 to get lined up and ready to perform. Friday, December 20th, there will be no school for students! We hope this information is helpful. Enjoy the rest of this Sunday evening!
3 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Hello, Little Beaver Families! We want to remind you of our Winter Carnival event this Thursday, December 12th from 5-7pm. Admission is $5 per person and concessions will be sold separately. Also, our Thanksgiving Luncheon was moved to this Friday, 12/13. Guests of 3rd graders are welcome to join us from 10:50-11:30, 5th grade visitors will be with us from 11:40-12:20, and our 4th grade families are scheduled from 12:30-1:10. Only those that sent in RSVP and payment by the original due date are able to attend. A flyer was sent home with students today with Save the Date information for the rest of December. Enjoy the rest of the evening and we hope to see you soon!
4 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate
Winter Carnival
Thanksgiving Luncheon Info
December Save the Dates
Hello, Little Beaver Families! This message is to announce information about RESCHEDULED EVENTS: 🎡Due to impending weather forecast and a scheduling conflict, our Winter Carnival has been moved to NEXT Thursday, December 12th. Please keep in mind that students/children may not be dropped off at this event. Anyone from the community is welcome to attend! 🦃 Our Thanksgiving Luncheon that had to be postponed due to a snow day on the originally planned date has been moved to next Friday, December 13th. Only those guests that have already registered/paid for the luncheon are able to attend. Have a great evening and stay warm!
4 months ago, Bluefield Intermediate