Hello BIS families! In order to start preparing for the West Virginia General Summative Assessment next week, we will start collecting student laptops, chargers, and headphones this week. We ask that you have your child bring their items with them this Thursday (4/28/22) so that we make sure they have all necessary components for next week’s testing. Thank you in advance for your help with this! Enjoy the evening!

Hello BIS families! Pepperoni rolls that were purchased in support of Mrs. Chahar’s class fundraiser will be available for pickup today, Friday, April 15th from 3:00-5:00pm. Thank you!

Hello, BIS families! Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to turn in tickets for a chance to win an Easter basket that’s filled with gift cards, certificates, and other goodies. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used by our PTO to sponsor events and projects at or school. Thank you for your participation! Have a great evening!

Important bus information from Mercer County Schools. Bus 606 will not run tomorrow, Monday, April 11th. This affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, and Bluefield High.

Hello, BIS families! The Scholastic Book Fair will be open at BIS this week. There’s a video on our Facebook page showing what’s available. We’re excited to be able to have this traditional event at our school for the first time in two years! Have a great evening!

Hello, BIS families! Please be reminded that summer school surveys are due tomorrow so that we can get a final count of participants. We’re looking forward to a fun 8 days (June 6-9 & 13-16) of STEAM activities in small groups! Breakfast and lunch will served daily and regional transportation will be available. We hope our Little Beavers will be able to join the fun! Have a great evening!

Our 2022 Teacher of the Year is Ms. Brittany Gremore! Ms. Gremore’s dedication to education and her passion for the success of her students is obvious. Ms. Gremore has a mission to make each day meaningful and memorable, and she’s very successful in achieving that goal! She has high expectations and clear routines that push her students to be the best versions of themselves. Ms. Gremore assumes leadership roles within BIS, serves on various committees at the county level, and never missed an extracurricular event to build deeper connections with her students and families. As a former Little Beaver, Ms. Gremore takes great pride in teaching in a Bluefield area school. Ms. Gremore is an outstanding teacher and Bluefield Intermediate is very fortunate to have her!

We’ll be doing a Pepperoni Roll fundraiser at BIS! They’ll be $15 for 1/2 dozen or $30 for a dozen. Forms were sent home today. Orders and money must be turned in by Thursday, April 7th. Pickup for the rolls will be Friday, April 15th.

Hello BIS families! Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, April 1st, is the last day to turn in t-shirt/hoodie orders and Run Club applications. Also, interesting surveys for our Summer School program have gone out. Please be sure to get those completed and sent back in as soon as possible so that we can finalize arrangements for the program. Have a great evening!

Please hold for important bus information from Mercer County Schools. Bus number 598 will not run tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30th. This affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, and Bluefield High.

We partnered with Books are Fun hoping to help expand the personal libraries of our students. Through the generosity of our community, we were able to put at least 2 books in the hands of each child at Bluefield Intermediate! Our Little Beavers were so pleased to receive these books to take home to keep! A huge THANK YOU to everyone that donated & a special shoutout to Ms. Richmond for being the point of contact for this program! 📚 📖

Hi, Little Beaver Families! Just a reminder that all Mercer County Schools will release 2 hours early tomorrow, Friday, March 18th. BIS will begin dismissing at 12:20. Please be sure to plan your child’s end of day transportation arrangements accordingly.

After school tutoring sessions for this week are canceled this week. Please be sure to have transportation arrangements in place for your child for regular dismissal time.

Hello, Little Beavers! Just a reminder about our Title I Open House tomorrow evening from 5:00-6:30! We’re so excited to be able to host an in-person event and we hope to see you all there!

Hello, Little Beaver families! If you’d like to order meal packs for the Reimagined Days that are replacing Spring Break, use the survey below to help us plan, please!

Hey there, Little Beavers! Tomorrow is the final day of Read Across America Week. We’re going to be learning about symbols of America with our read aloud. Come in your red/white/blue, stars/stripes, or anything that’s symbolic of America as we celebrate Freedom Friday!

Hello all! Tomorrow’s theme for Read Across America Week is Getaway Thursday. As we read about various places around the world, we invite our Little Beavers to dress as they would for their destination of choice or as a travel guide. We’re excited to learn more about various cities and what they are known for!

Hi, families! For our third day of Read Across America Week, we’ll be focusing on our wild, wonderful state. Please join us in wearing gold & blue or anything that features a WV state symbol as we read “M is for Mountain State” tomorrow!

Don’t forget that tomorrow is Move it Monday! Our first day of Read Across America Week will be spent reading about keeping our bodies active. Come in your sweats or other athletic gear so that you can active your muscles after learning about how they work! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Little Beavers!

Mercer County BOE Votes to Make Mask Wearing Optional
At the February 22nd meeting, the Mercer County Board of Education voted to move its mask guidance from mandatory to optional. This means that mask usage in buildings and on school buses will be optional for both students and staff.
This decision is being made as Mercer County and Mercer County Schools positive case numbers are going down after the increase during the winter holidays. Masks may also be required at individual school sites if Covid-19 transmission rates warrant a mask requirement.
Mercer County Schools will still have masks available to anyone wanting one. We will also continue communicating with the Mercer County Health Department about special cases and any concerning trends in classrooms or schools. The superintendent may institute practices if determined necessary in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The ultimate goal is to protect our students and prioritize learning. Given the quick spread of the Omicron variant and its rapid clinical course, it has made contact tracing in schools impractical when combined with the newly reduced timelines for quarantine and isolation set by the CDC. With that being said, Mercer County Schools will not perform contact tracing on behalf of the Mercer County Health Department.
All Mercer County schools are now reporting positive cases to a new WV DHHR tracking survey, which appears on Fridays at https://wvde.us/covid19/school-covid-dashboard/