Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder that RSVP forms and payment for the Thanksgiving luncheon are due by the end of the day tomorrow, Friday, November 8th. We will not be able to accept additional reservations beyond those that are received tomorrow. Once we review the RSVPs and know how many guests to account for, we will send updated information on the times for each grade level's luncheon. Have a great evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Flyers for our 2nd annual Thanksgiving luncheon were sent home with students today. The cost of the meal is $5 per person and each student is permitted to have two guests. Reservations and payment are due back this Friday, November 8th so that we can adequately plan for the correct number of guests. Please understand that we cannot take additional requests to join after the deadline passes. We will send out more details to those that RSVP by the end of next week to let you know the times to arrive for lunch with your student. Also, we realize that all students may not have guests on the day of our luncheon, so we'll be setting up a mega table in the gym to accommodate a Friendsgiving style meal for unaccompanied students to share with staff! Finally, we just wanted to remind you that there is no school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5th because of Election Day. Have a great evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Report cards were distributed to students today. Please be sure to ask your child to see his/hers if they've not already shown you! Reach out to teacher with any questions or concerns. We also wanted to remind everyone that there's no school on Tuesday, 11/5, due to Election Day. Enjoy your weekend!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day at BIS! Please be sure to sign and return the permission slip and money if your child is eligible to attend the Granada Field Trip. We cannot take students that haven't been granted written consent. This trip is for BIS students and staff only. Students may wear their costumes to school as long as they are school appropriate. Please be reminded that there can't be full face/head covering to obscure your child's vision or our ability to see him/her. Masks and other accessories should remain at home. We appreciate the donations we've received for Trunk or Treat and we look forward to seeing those of you that are able to be in attendance to distribute candy at the event! Thank you for your support in making the memorable experiences possible!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We're having an awesome time at the Halloween Dance so far! This is just a reminder that the event ends at 6:30. As you arrive to pick your child/children up, we kindly ask that you remain in your vehicle so that we are able safely monitor students and keep the dismissal flowing smoothly. It is not necessary to turn on Southview Drive; please drive directly into the school entrance upon arrival. Thank you for your cooperation and help making the pickup process as smooth as possible!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder that our Halloween Dance is tomorrow night from 5-6:30pm. The event is for BIS students only. Costumes that are school appropriate may be worn, but there can't be masks or other face coverings. Admission is $5 and concessions will be sold separately. Students must have an 80% or above and no Out of School Suspensions in order to attend.
Also, an additional 4H meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 29. Students wanting to run for an office must have their speeches ready. Voting will take place once all speeches have been delivered.

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We hope you're having a great weekend! Just a couple of quick reminders for the coming week:
-There is no school for students tomorrow, Monday, October 14th. This is a Faculty Senate day where only employees report.
-Pepperoni rolls ordered through our fundraiser will be available for pickup tomorrow, 10/14, from 1-4pm. Thank you to everyone that placed an order!
-Our school level Science Fair will be held on Tuesday, October 15th. Students that expressed interest in participating received information for the rules and regulations for the event.
-We hope to see everyone out on Tuesday, 10/15, any time from 4-5:30pm for our Title I Family Engagement event! Our school will be decorated in theme with our school wide novel study and our staff will be bringing the characters to life! We'll also have some information to distribute to help you work with your child at home.
Enjoy your Sunday evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th, we are asking our students and staff to wear green in support of BMS Principal, Mrs. Kim Miller. All Mercer County Schools have been invited to participate in rallying behind this endeavor and we're hoping to have good participation at BIS! We'll see you in your green in the morning, Little Beavers! 💚

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Interim Reports were sent home with students today. The format looks very similar to the actual Report Cards, but these reports are just meant to show students' progress at the grading period midpoint. Because this is the first time using this format for Interims, there are some glitches with the printouts. Some students only have core subjects showing, some had grades reflected in the wrong grading scale, and some had grades that show decimals instead of whole numbers. You can always check your child's performance by logging in to Schoology. If you have specific questions about the reports you received today or how your child is doing in any content area, please reach out to your child's teacher on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We wanted to make sure you're all aware of updates on upcoming events. With the recent school closures, it was necessary for the dates of the pepperoni roll sale to be adjusted. The last date for orders is now Thursday, October 10th. Payment must be turned in with orders. Orders will be available for pick up on Monday, October 14th from 1-4pm. Our Grandparents' Day celebration will take place on Friday, October 11th. Guests of 3rd graders should arrive at 9am, 4th grade at 9:45am, and 5th grade at 10:30am. The Community Yard Sale we are hosting will now be held in our gym from 9am-2pm on Saturday, November 2nd. Flyers were sent home today to announce our annual Trunk or Treat, which will occur on Halloween in the afternoon of the school day. Please call the school at 304-327-8339 with any questions you have about these upcoming events. Thank you for supporting your child's success at school!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Due to Mercer County Schools being on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Friday, September 27th, our Grandparents' Day celebration will be postponed. We will send out updated information as soon as we are able to secure the rescheduled date. Please communicate this information to anyone you've asked to attend this event. Thank you for understanding! Stay safe in these inclement weather conditions!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! This is just a reminder that Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24th. Have your Little Beaver practice their best smile! Also, we are having a combined PTO and LSIC meeting this Wednesday, 9/25, at 4:00pm. We hope you'll be able to join us to contribute your ideas to help make our school the best it can be! Triple Threat Basketball forms were sent home last week. If you didn't receive one, please call the school and we will fill it out for you over the phone! Also, we'd be happy to email any completed forms for anyone who'd like our help with that! Those forms are due in to the organization by Thursday, 9/26. The final reminder is regarding our Book Fair. It'll be open every day this week! If you'd like your child to make a purchase, you may send cash or create an eWallet account online at bookfairs.scholastic.com so that you don't have to worry about your kiddo keeping up with money! The Book Fair will also be open on Friday and grandparents that attend our Grandparents' Day celebration will be able to shop while they're with us! We appreciate everything you do to encourage success at school and look forward to seeing you all soon!!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Exciting things are happening at Bluefield Intermediate this week! Tomorrow kicks off our Book Fair! Students previewed the items available on Friday and received a pamphlet with the prices listed. They'll have opportunities to shop the Book Fair every day this week. This Tuesday, Strawbridge Studios will be with us for Picture Day! Proofs will be sent to us in a few weeks and ordering information will be on the proofs. Friday, September 27th is our annual Grandparents' Day celebration. Flyers were sent home last week with the times for each grade level. Enjoy the beautiful weather this evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Our first dance of the year is scheduled for this Thursday! Admission is $5 and the event is from 5-6:30pm. Our dance is for Bluefield Intermediate students only and will be chaperoned by staff. Concession will be sold separately. Students must maintain an 80% or higher in conduct and have no out of school suspensions in order to be eligible to attend. We're looking forward to a great time!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We're celebrating patriotism this week at Bluefield Intermediate. Tomorrow, we're wearing shirts that display our favorite states. Tuesday's theme is Stars and Stripes. Wednesday we'll be sporting red, white, and blue. Thursday is the day to wear camo. Friday will finish out the week in the All American jeans and t-shirt attire. We hope your child will participate! Enjoy this sunny Sunday afternoon!

Hello, Little Beavers Families! Don't forget to send your child in Beaver gear or maroon in support of our friends at BHS!
Let's Goooooo Beavers! 🦫❤️🏈

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Our school year is off to a great start and we want to thank you for your help in our success at school! The following reminders are meant to keep us on track throughout the year:
-Headgear is prohibited unless there is a special occasion where it is advertised that hats and other head coverings are allowed.
-Thin strap tank tops, shirts that expose midriff, extremely short shorts/dresses, pants worn below the waist, and anything that depicts drugs/violence/cursing are prohibited at school.
-If possible, please have your child wear tennis shoes and clothes that are conducive to running on days their class has PE. If you are unsure of PE days for your child, please contact the teacher to ask.
-Our tardy bell rings at 7:35am. Students need to be in their classroom by that time each day. Also, according to Mercer County policy, early dismissals may not be done within 30 mins of the end of the day. For us, that means students should not be checked out from 1:50-2:20pm.
-If you haven't already completed the beginning of year paperwork, please try to have that in by the end of this week.
Thank you again for your support! Enjoy this beautiful evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We had a fantastic first day here at Bluefield Intermediate School! Your patience and understanding with dismissal procedures and bus times was greatly appreciated! We placed tags on student's backpacks to help keep track of each child's end of day arrangements. Please encourage your child to leave their tag in place so that they will last throughout the year. Students should have several forms in their backpack that need to be completed. Please return those as soon as possible. The emergency card is the top priority, so please have that ready for your child to bring back tomorrow. Have a great evening!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! Thank you to everyone that came to our Meet the Teacher event this evening! We are so excited for a wonderful year with our Little Beavers! Morning drop off begins at 7:00am and our tardy bell rings at 7:35am. Car riders will be dropped off at the entrance on the third grade wing, near the employee parking lot from 7:00-7:20am. Those car riders that arrive after 7:20 will be rerouted to the main entrance. Any time car traffic and buses intersect, the bus will have the right-of-way. Afternoon dismissal will begin at 2:20pm and go through 2:45pm. This year, we will be starting dismissal with our car riders. As buses arrive, we will halt car traffic to allow the buses to access their loading zone. When family and friends come for pickup, we ask that you drive down to the Pavilion to turn around so that you can join the back of the line to wait for traffic to move. Please position your vehicles as far over on the shoulder of the road as possible so that the residents of Southview Drive and the employees of the Pavilion are still able to drive around our school traffic. We ask for your patience as we fine tune these processes here at the start of the year. Set those alarms and get those Little Beavers ready for the best first day of school! We'll see you all in the morning!

Hello, Little Beaver Families! We're getting so excited about the start of the new school year! Our Meet the Teacher event will be held on Wednesday, August 21st from 4-6pm. Please stop by any time during those two hours to meet your child's new teacher! Have a lovely Sunday!