Policy I-20, Testing Security and Administration Requirements, is out for comment until May 3, 2022. Please send all comments to Dr. Kristal Filipek at kfilipek@k12.wv.us.
Policy I-15, Virtual Education Program, is out for comment until May 3, 2022. Please send all comments to Dr. Kristal Filipek at kfilipek@k12.wv.us.
Policy K-05, Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, is out for comment until May 3, 2022. Please send all comments to Dr. Kristal Filipek at kfilipek@k12.wv.us.
Oakvale School has enjoyed a visit from the STEM trailer this week. They've been involved in lots of fun lessons and activities about water: the properties of it, the movements of it, and the water cycle. The STEM trailer got its start this spring, but will be expanding to other elementary schools next fall!
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022 is a 2 hour early dismissal.
Last week, Mr. Toman visited Mrs. Vaught's science class at Spanishburg. The lesson was on types of energy and energy systems. The four different stations were tone generator, hand-crank generator, rubber band banjo, and hand rubbing on ice. In each station, the students had to describe the system, identify what the energy source, where the energy was stored, and what evidence of energy was present.
Students and Families: Information about next week:
Additional bus information. The following buses will not run today, Tuesday, April 12, 2022:
Bus 618: Mercer, Princeton Primary, Glenwood, Mt. Valley, Princeton Middle, Princeton High
Bus 639: Athens, PVMS, PVHS
Two buses will not run tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12th:
Bus 606: Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle and Bluefield High
Bus 661: Athens, PVMS, PVHS
Attention VIRTUAL Students and Families:
Virtual student meal packs for the week of April 18-22 will be available for pick up on Wednesday, April 20th at noon. Please do not forget to register weekly for meal packs so we can ensure enough are made. The link to register is https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx...
Important bus information from Mercer County Schools. Bus 606 will not run tomorrow, Monday, April 11th. This affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, and Bluefield High.
Thank you, Brushfork School, for wearing green for Alyssa!
Some Bluefield High School students spent Friday after school & Saturday volunteering at the Bluefield Lions Club 50th Pancake Supper. There were students from the tennis team, art club & NHS. BHS students have volunteered for this 15+ years!!!
WV Safe Schools Hotline: You can report any information that could have a negative impact on students, school staff, or school property. If you see something, say something.
High School 10th & 11th Graders: Be a Summer Intern and Launch Your Future Career!
The Education Alliance Summer Internship Application is now open! Current 10th and 11th grade students can earn $16/hour while gaining real world technical and professional skills with some of the state's top employers: Appalachian Power, Toyota Motor Mfg. WV, and WV American Water. Students across WV can apply for internship options including 100% in-person internship, a hybrid internship (part in-person, part virtual), or a 100% virtual internship. Application deadline is April 20, 2022. Visit https://educationalliance.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/educationalliance/survey.jsp?surveyId=28& to fill out application
Important bus information from Mercer County Schools: bus 624 will not run tomorrow, Thursday, April 7th. This affects Brushfork, Bluefield Middle, and Bluefield High.
Let's show our support for Alyssa on Friday!
This is a last minute bus cancellation: bus 617 will not run today, Wednesday, April 6th. This affects Glenwood and Princeton High.
An altercation occurred at Bluefield High School this morning. Appropriate law enforcement was contacted and immediately arrived at the school to assist and conduct an investigation. As a result of federal and state law, the school system is prohibited from discussing student disciplinary matters further. However, administration is deeply concerned with these patterns of inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors occurring this school year. Administration will continue to work towards finding ways to ensure that teaching and learning are not distracted, and both occur in a safe learning environment for all.
Information on the 2022 Graduation Walk