BUS INFORMATION 12/6/22: The following buses will not run today.
Bus 593- Spanishburg, PVMS, and PVHS
Bus 657- Brushfork, BMS, and BHS
We love when students become colleagues!
We love when students become our colleagues!
PSHS student Joseph Flanigan presented to a group of teachers at a Jason Learning training. Joseph, along with PSHS student, Savannah Mongeni, and PVHS teacher, Teresa Barton, are Mercer County's first Jason Learning Argonauts. They traveled to Boston earlier this fall and got to meet with STEM and innovative leaders in technology and physics!
Bus 652 will not run today, Friday, December 2nd. This affects Oakvale, Pikeview Middle and Pikeview High.
Multiple job openings. To view full job descriptions, please visit https://5il.co/1lbi3
ATTENTION OAKVALE FAMILIES: Oakvale School is without power. Students who ride buses and are on their way to school now will be dismissed at 9:00 a.m. Parents who drop their students off at school, please keep them home today. Thank you.
BUS INFORMATION 11/30/22: The following buses will not run today.
660- Montcalm Elementary & MHS
618- PMS & PSHS
656- Lashmeet/Matoaka, PVMS, & PVHS
We love when our students become our colleagues!
Due to a water main break, Montcalm Elementary will dismiss at 9:15 a.m. today, Tuesday, November 29th.
BUS INFORMATION 11/29/22: The following buses will not run today.
007- Oakvale, PVMS, and PVHS
656- Lashmeet, PVMS, and PVHS
673- Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle and Bluefield High
To view full job descriptions, please visit https://5il.co/1l7ob.
BUS INFORMATION: Bus 673 will not run today, Monday, November 28th. This affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, and Bluefield High.
A big thank you to the Bluefield Rotary for donating 823 pairs of gloves to Mercer County students!
Starting Points is hosting a Free Family Movie Night at the Granada Theater!
BUS INFORMATION 11/22/22. The following buses will not run today:
650- MES & MHS
599- MES & MHS
614- MES & MHS
598- Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle and Bluefield High
645- Bluewell Elementary, Bluefield Middle, Bluefield High
659- Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, & Bluefield High
Virtual Students recognized!
Important bus information. Bus 650 will not run this afternoon, Monday, November 21st. This affects Montcalm Elementary and Montcalm High.
Today it was PSHS's Student Advisory Council's turn to provide input to Mr. Toman. A big thank you to Tampico Restaurant for hosting!
Attention Virtual Student Families: There will be NO Virtual student meal pick up this week.