BUS INFORMATION 3/21/23: Bus 673 will not run today. This affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle and Bluefield High.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
BUS INFORMATION 3/20/23-the following buses will not run today: 665- Lashmeet Matoaka, PVMS, PVHS 611- Montcalm Elementary, Montcalm High
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
BUS INFORMATION 3/17/23-the following buses will not run today: 665- Lashmeet Matoaka, PVMS, PVHS 650- Montcalm Elementary, Montcalm High 673- Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, Bluefield High 623- Princeton Primary, Glenwood, Mercer, PMS, PSHS
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
2-Hour Early Dismissal, Friday, March 17th
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
2 hr early dismissal 031723
WVACEEC Parent-Involvement meeting scheduled
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Parent involvement meeting-special education
AFTERNOON BUS INFORMATION: Bus 646 will NOT run this afternoon, Thursday, March 16th. This affects Glenwood and Princeton High.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
BUS INFORMATION 3/16/23-the following buses will not run today: 650- Montcalm Elementary, Montcalm High 665- Lashmeet/Matoaka, PVMS, PVHS 604/608- SPANISHBURG, PVMS, PVHS 007- OAKVALE, PVMS, PVHS 601- SPANISHBURG, PVMS, PVHS 617- BLUEWELL PMS PSHS
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Dr. Adkins, Jennifer Collis, and Amy Harrison attended the Teacher Recruitment Fair at Concord University. It was wonderful seeing all of these bright young faces ready to teach our students!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
teacher recruitment fair
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Scholarship updates
BUS INFORMATION 3/15/23-the following bus will not run today: Bus 639-Athens, Pikeview Middle, Pikeview High
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
All Mercer County Schools are on a 2-Hour Delay today, Wednesday, March 15th.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Delay 021523
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
CLOSED 031423
BUS INFORMATION 3/14/23: The following buses will not run today. Bus 639: Athens, Pikeview Middle, Pikeview High Bus 659: Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, Bluefield High
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
All Mercer County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay with inclement bus routes, Tuesday, March 14th. Inclement bus routes found here: https://5il.co/1nkii
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
2 hour delay
BUS INFORMATION 3/13/23: Bus 639 will not run today. This affects Athens, Pikeview Middle and Pikeview High.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Have you applied to become a JASON Argonaut for Mercer County Schools? Don't forget the 2nd part of your application is due by March 13, 2023. https://jasonlearning.submittable.com/submit/9f3d1bbc-4f1e-4d03-8eaf-5f21a827abed/jason-argonaut-program-application-for-2023-part-2
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Part 2 Jason Argonaut application
Title I Parent Advisory Committee meeting this morning at MCTEC. Special thanks to Kaila Hardin and Heather Farley, Mercer County Technology Integration Specialists, for presenting digital tools to our parents.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Parent Engagement
Parent Engagement
Congratulations to all the Middle School Battle of the Books teams that competed at Concord University yesterday. The final battle came between two PikeView Middle School teams!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
Middle School Battle of the Books
BUS INFORMATION 3/10/23: Bus 639 will not run today. This affects Athens, Pikeview Middle, and Pikeview High.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
BUS INFORMATION 3/9/23 Bus 673 will not run today. Affects Bluefield Primary, Bluefield Intermediate, Bluefield Middle, Bluefield High Bus 600 will run THIS MORNING ONLY. IT WILL NOT RUN THIS AFTERNOON. Affects Spanishburg, PVMS, PVHS.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Harrison