15 days until we see your smiling faces! #MissingSchoolMissingOut
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
attendance matters
The countdown continues! We are excited to see our students!
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Attendance Matters
School offers us so many opportunities! It is the place where we learn and grow in so many ways. Being present every day is the key to our future! Be COOL and come to school! #MissingSchoolMissingOut
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
School is cool
Please contact Tonya Osborne with questions. The vaccine clinic at the Health Department is for school vaccines, not Covid vaccines.
about 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
vaccine clinic
vaccine information
about 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
picture day
What is your favorite part of the school day? #MissingSchoolMissingOut
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
attendance poster
We are counting down the days!
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
attendance matters
We are counting down the days!
about 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Ms. Nunnery has received a set of senior class group pictures from Lifetouch. They will be available for pickup in the main office today through Thursday of this week while summer school is going on. After this week, they will be available in the office when our regular secretaries return in August. The following graduates have pictures to pick up:
about 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Lifetouch picture list
For any students interested, PSHS has a competitive robotics team and will be offering a section of robotics in both the fall and spring semesters this year. Students interested in seeing if the course will work in your schedule should contact your school counselor: Last names A-F: Laura Brinkley laura.brinkley@k12.wv.us Last names G-N: Teresa Cochran teresa.d.cochran@k12.wv.us Last names O-Z: Richard Austin richard.austin@k12.wv.us
about 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Important information regarding senior pictures:
about 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
senior pic flier
Students in the spring photography class at PSHS were inspired by photographer Mary Jo Hoffman for their final projects. Using found pieces from nature, students took to the challenge of creating a composition mimicking Hoffman’s minimalistic, modern artistic style. Photos were then placed in a virtual online gallery. “This might be the coolest thing I have ever seen,” Hoffman wrote in an email to the students’ teacher. Not only did Hoffman take time out of her day to visit the gallery, but she also gave a shoutout on her Instagram account. PSHS Spring Photography students: AMAZING JOB!! Hoffman was “flattered to have been your inspiration!” If you would like to see what our amazing students have been up to, visit the virtual gallery here: https://www.artsteps.com/profile/626a8624ba25a96633f3c683
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Hoffman 1
Hoffman 2
PSHS would like to congratulate Bradford Hurt, who was selected as a Coolidge Senator. This includes a one time scholarship and an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC this summer to meet with the Coolidge Foundation leaders and many other political figures. Out of the 4000 students who applied, 100 were selected as Senators. Bradford is the first applicant in WV to be recognized on any level by this scholarship program. WVVA featured a short article about the award and the link is below: https://www.wvva.com/2022/05/31/mercer-county-student-selected-coolidge-senator/
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Bus 621 will not run today, Wednesday, June 1st. This affects Mercer School, Princeton Primary, Princeton Middle, and Princeton High.
over 2 years ago, Amy Harrison
Class of 2022: If you took your senior cap and gown pictures at the school on May 6, the company sent those to the school instead of sending them to your house as they have in the past. You can pick up those pictures in the main office at the school.
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Information on graduation attire: For graduation, the young ladies are expected to wear a dress (any color), a skirt (any color), or navy or black dress pants and black shoes. ANY TYPE HEEL CAN BE WORN ON THE GYM FLOOR. The dress or skirt may not hang below the gown, and the shoes must have a heel strap or enclosed heel (no flip-flops). The gentlemen are supposed to wear navy or black dress slacks (no jeans), a white shirt with a collar and a tie. Additionally, they are to wear black dress shoes or black tennis shoes with black soles and dark socks.
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Important information regarding graduation practice/graduation: Graduation practice will be in the gym on Thursday, May 26th. Attendance is mandatory for students who wish to walk in the graduation ceremony. Seniors must be with their advisories by 9:00 am. Each graduate will be given 6 tickets during practice. On graduation day, May 27, seniors are to report to their assigned advisory by 5:00 pm. Attendance sheets will be collected at that time. ***It is important to note that seniors MUST participate in the graduation practice and the graduation ceremony to be able to attend Project Graduation.
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Information about Graduation: Due to weather, the Graduation ceremony has been moved inside. The ceremony will be held in the PSHS gymnasium Friday, May 27 @ 6:00. Guests must have a ticket to enter. Graduates will get their tickets at graduation practice on Thursday, May 26. At this time, each student will be receiving 6 tickets. There is an allotment of extra tickets available, and any graduate who needs one will have an opportunity to get in line on a rotational basis to get an extra ticket. Then if more are needed, students can get in the back of the line again to try and get another ticket. We also encourage graduates to talk to your classmates who may not need all 6 of their tickets if more extras are needed. The ceremony will also be live-streamed on princetontigersports.com Additionally, any students who picked up their honor cords for the Graduation Walk or senior pictures need to turn those cords back in to the office so that they can be corded during the graduation ceremony.
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
Underclass Awards/Move Up Day will be tomorrow, May 25 at 2:00 in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend this event, just be sure to check in at the main office. Students should wear their class shirts. If you have not gotten your shirt yet, please see Mrs. Presley.
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
over 2 years ago, Princeton Senior High School
project grad last meeting