Mercer County BOE Votes to Make Mask Wearing Optional
At the February 22nd meeting, the Mercer County Board of Education voted to move its mask guidance from mandatory to optional. This means that mask usage in buildings and on school buses will be optional for both students and staff.
This decision is being made as Mercer County and Mercer County Schools positive case numbers are going down after the increase during the winter holidays. Masks may also be required at individual school sites if Covid-19 transmission rates warrant a mask requirement.
Mercer County Schools will still have masks available to anyone wanting one. We will also continue communicating with the Mercer County Health Department about special cases and any concerning trends in classrooms or schools. The superintendent may institute practices if determined necessary in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The ultimate goal is to protect our students and prioritize learning. Given the quick spread of the Omicron variant and its rapid clinical course, it has made contact tracing in schools impractical when combined with the newly reduced timelines for quarantine and isolation set by the CDC. With that being said, Mercer County Schools will not perform contact tracing on behalf of the Mercer County Health Department.
All Mercer County schools are now reporting positive cases to a new WV DHHR tracking survey, which appears on Fridays at
Students are reminded to bring your device to school each day. These should be charged the night before. As we near end-of-the-year testing, it’s important to be prepared.
2021-2022 Yearbooks are on sale NOW. We have a limited number of yearbooks from last year that are available for purchase. The cost is $35 and can be purchased during lunch.
Mercer County Staff you asked for it and it is here!
Pre-k up to 5th grade staff members sign up NOW for Dr. Ruby Payne’s Emotional Poverty Workshop on the Mercer County Webpage. Learn How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Avoidance in the Classroom.
The secondary training workshop will be announced soon!
Back to school map protocol 2020-2021