Proximity Learning

Virtual Applications are accepted at the school where the student is enrolled. After the beginning of the year, consideration will be given to extenuating circumstances and students with IEPs, 504s, and EL plans.

Mercer County Program Contacts


Virtual 2024-2025

A virtual education program is available for Mercer County students in Grades K-12.  Mercer County will utilizes Proximity Learning. With Proximity Learning, students have 4 days of live instruction per week with a certified teacher, set due dates for assignments, a daily class schedule, and access to a local school facilitator.  Office hours are scheduled for each Wednesday to allow for individual and small group instruction, parent-teacher conferences, and teacher meetings.

The student must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in Mercer County Schools, Grades K-12,

  • Parent must apply for the virtual program,

  • Student must have access to consistent, daily internet service,

  • Student has not been retained due to failure of virtual course work,

  • Student has not been returned to in-person instruction due to lack of progress,

  • Student cannot have fallen behind the 9th grade cohort while participating in a virtual program,

Student must have a recommended change of placement from the Student Assistance Team, 504 Committee, Individualized Education Program Team, or English Learner Committee.

You may contact the district Virtual Department Email at: 


Virtual Frequently Asked Questions

In an effort to answer your most common questions and resolve some of the most common issues families experience, please see the items below. If you have further questions, please communicate those to your school facilitator.

When I try to login, I receive an error that says “Invalid Username or Password”. 
Please check with your facilitator to make sure you have the correct email and password that was submitted to Proximity.  If it is incorrect, this can be adjusted in Proximity under user settings after you are able to login the first time.   

Classes are not showing in Proximity.  What should I do? 
Please let your facilitator know, and they will be checking to make sure all courses that your student needs are loaded.  

How do I join live class?

Click on "Join Live Class" and Pencil Spaces will open. You will provide your same email address and password and allow the session to open.

I have classes that I did not sign up for or I need a schedule change. How can I correct this? 
Please let your facilitator know, and we will correct this as soon as possible.

My facilitator is not answering me. 
Please remember that facilitators are school employees with assignments during the normal school day. They will answer questions as soon as they are able to, outside of the normal work day.

Can I transition back to in-person classes? 
You have a 15-day grace period as a virtual student and can transition back to the classroom without penalty. After the 15-day grace period, you will not be able to transition to in-person courses until the start of the 2nd grading period.  Please notify your school that you wish to transition back to in-person instruction.