Mercer County Schools Excess Levy Information
What is the levy?
A levy is a property tax passed by voters. Our school support levy fills the gap between state funding and the actual cost of the programs and services we provide to our students. Mercer County has had a levy in place for over 60 years, and we are grateful for the support.
Eighty-six percent of Mercer County Schools expenses are fixed for things such as salaries, utilities, property and liability insurance, child nutrition, and Title I expenses. The remaining 13% of expenses are covered through the excess levy.

What Does The Levy Support?
The levy helps us offer unique programs and activities that connect our students to their schools and get them excited about learning. The levy allows:
Professional and Service Substitutes
Support of extra-curricular activities such as choir, band, clubs, athletics, cheerleading, field trips, salaries for coaches, purchasing equipment/uniforms, transportation to away games/competitions
School resource officers, Prevention resource officers, security cameras
Free print and electronic textbooks, electronic devices, technology equipment, technical support to use materials and maintain equipment
Athletic facility development, maintenance and repair
Funding for the Alternative Education program including salaries and supplies
Support of public libraries and 4-H activities
Health services for students and employees
Maintenance and upkeep of existing school facilities
Permanent improvement funds for constructing new facilities, remodeling and major facility improvements
Funds to assist with the cost of transporting students to and from school
Employing additional teachers and professional student support personnel
Fringe benefits such as employer contribution for salary supplements, dental insurance and optical coverage for all employees and dependents