LSIC Agenda


Stakeholder Meeting

ยท         Discussion of data from GSA Spring 2024

o   How do we close the Gaps

ยท         Discussion of I-Ready results BOY Fall 2024

ยท         Update on construction project

ยท         Concerns for SY 2025

o   Academics

o   Discipline

o   Attendance

o   Facilities

ยท         CIS: Community in Schools

o   Ms. Bradley

ยท         Gear Up

o   Gail Webb

ยง  Parent night 9-17-24


Christina Hulsey

Josh Ellison

Amanda Keen

Cindy Keller

Kim Miller

Hannah Johnson

Laura Anglin

Christina Clark

Sharon Bradley

Presented balanced scorecard.  Discussion of why our card looks like it does compared to other schools in our county.  Need to push more parents to make testing a priority.  Discussion to present data at the parent night on 9-17-24.

Data notebooks have to be a priority.  Third Thursday teachers will get the template of expectations for the data notebook.

1st I-Ready diagnostic complete:  Majority of students are falling 3 or more grade levels behind.  Students are not taking diagnostic as serious as they need to.  Make parent contact to discuss the deficits seen in testing.

Construction: Windows are on schedule and should meet completion deadline.  The corner windows are ordered and may be a hold up on the project.  All other projects have been completed. (HVAC, plumbing, ceiling tile replacement)

CIS: Report made about progress toward case managed students.  Clothing closet does need items: smaller clothing for boys and girls.  Leggings.  Shoes.

Concerns for SY 2025



Attendance: need incentive to make students want to attend.  Pull data on day 20. Facilities: lockers and bleachers need replaced

Discussion of offering more incentives to boost test data and to make kids want to come to school.  More of a real reward: dance, ball game, water day all discussed.

Gear up: Back pack and supplies given to all 8th grade students.  Ms. Webb has scheduled a monthly visit to Ms. Quesenberryโ€™s class to answer questions and just to get to know students. Parent night planned and 33 rsvpโ€™d to attend.  How do we get more involved?  Do an all call-sent out following meeting.  College day planned October for New River Ghent.