We will accept applications for virtual students from May 20-May 31.  Applications will be submitted to the school that the student will attend next school year, for the appropriate meetings to be held. 

A few notes:  

  1.  The parent/guardian must apply for virtual each year.

    1. If a student is currently virtual, and has been successful, they can be approved without a lengthy meeting.

      *Please keep in mind that IEPs/504s may need updated.

  2.        b.  A SAT, IEP, 504, or EL meeting must be held for new applicants.

  3. Please forward approved applications with signature to me after the appropriate meeting has been held.  I would like to have any approved applications you have by the time principals complete their check-out.

  4. We will hold another application period from August 12-16 to capture new transfers, enrollments, and last-minute decisions.

  5. We will schedule orientation times on August 19, 20, and 21.

  6. All students will begin classes, whether in-person or virtual, on August 22.