Featured Image:  Sarah Grose

Today is April Fool’s Day, so we had some fun with our kindergarten kids! 

First of all, let me say that the kids started all the pranking.  All morning long we heard, “Today is my last day at Bluewell…April Fools!” Or, “Today is my birthday, April Fools!”  Yep, they kept getting us all morning, so we returned the favor. 

Around 10:00 am, we told the kindergarteners that school would dismiss early due to the impending snow storm.  “The buses are coming in 30 minutes,” Dr. Grose said in an announcement that only kindergarten could hear. 

Then, the kids got all their belongings in their bookbags, put on their jackets, and waited for the buses to arrive.  Of course, they were gathered together only to hear, “April Fools!”  We got them, and it was funny. 

Some kids laughed and others were shocked.  Either way, it was done all in fun!  The kids were great sports and everyone had a great time!