Featured Image:  Tammy Fielder

Summer is right around the corner, which means that our Thrive Summer Program will be here soon too!  Recently, we sent home permission slips for students to sign-up for Bluewell School’s Thrive Summer Program.  As a reminder, those permission slips are due tomorrow, April 1, 2022. 

Our Thrive Summer Program includes tutoring in Reading and Math, but there is also time for exciting clubs.  For example, we did an art club, fitness club, derby club, and more last year.  Kids also eat breakfast and lunch, and they have a shorter day during our summer program. 

If you misplaced your child’s permission form for Bluewell School’s Thrive Summer Program, have no fear!  You may simply write a note giving you child permission attend the program.  Please indicate if your child will need transportation.  Keep in mind that there will be regional bus transportation, so your child’s bus stop may not be at its typical location. 

The dates are from June 6-16, 2022, and it takes place Monday through Thursday.  The program lasts from 8:00 am-1:30 pm.  Finally, we look forward to a fun Thrive Summer Program.  Always call us if you have any questions!