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We have exciting news!  Soon, we will have our first, real field trips in over two years, but there’s something YOU must do first. 

We are taking the entire school to the Just Jump trampoline park in Bristol, Tennessee.  Pre-K through second grade will visit on April 29, 2022, and third grade through fifth grade will go on May 20, 2022.  Permission slips will go home very soon, so be on the lookout for them in your child’s folder. 

However, you must watch a safety video on the Just Jump website and submit Just Jump’s permission waiver.  This has to be completed online.  If you can’t complete Just Jump’s online requirements for any reason, please let us know and we will work with you.  No fears, we will make sure every child who can attend the field trips will be able to. 

Here is the link to the video and the waiver:  Just Jump (active8pos.com).  We are so excited for our field trips to Just Jump, and we know the kids will have a blast!