Featured Image:  http://www.teachingandmuchmoore.com/2016/04/spring-fever-behavior-tips.html

Spring is here, which leads to spring fever!  Nope, you’re not imagining it.  Kids tend to get more energetic, sassier, and distracted as spring fever sets in. 

 Students tend to have behavioral changes at school in the spring too.  They may goof off a little more and ignore directions. 

So, what is going on?  Well, springtime brings environmental changes with warmer weather, longer days, blooming plants, more pollen, etc.  Also, our daily routines shift a bit due to the time change and spring activities returning. 

 Excitement is on the brink with summer vacation around the corner and ice cream treats more frequently.  Plus, kids instinctively have an increased desire for activity…in other words, they long to be outside!


So, what can we, as adults, do?  Here are a few tips:

  • Be aware of your child’s new (but temporary) behaviors and adjust your expectations.  For example, start the bedtime routine a little earlier, so your child has time to stall it. 
  • Keep your normal rules and routines, so your household foundation remains steadfast.  Still expect your child to complete homework, brush his teeth, treat others with respect, etc.
  • Allow more activity through increased play time, outdoor sports, and laughing.  This helps kids use all that extra energy. 
  • Remember to HAVE FUN! This is a seasonal phase and your child will only be this age once.  So, embrace your inner silliness and play around with your child.  You’ll be surprised at the memories made!