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Welcome to the weekend, everyone!  Now is the perfect time to relax with your kids, but what are some ways to help kids take a breather? 

First, some kids relax best after some sort of physical exertion.  Enjoy riding a bike with your child, wrestling in the living room, piggyback rides or a nice game of tag with your youngsters.  Then, they will have all that energy spent and can relax easier. 

Some sort of relaxing movement helps anyone rest, kids included.  For example, you can rock in a rocking chair, swing, or gracefully dance in the house.

Breathing awareness helps children calm down, as well.  This is a fun tip too.  Examples include blowing bubbles and watching them float away, blowing through a straw to spread paint, or just listening to yourself while breathing. 

Did you know certain foods help to keep kids calm?  Complex carbohydrates, such as fruit and whole grains, keep blood sugar and moods even.  Also, be sure to include protein in your child’s meals. 

Of course, water helps kids relax, but perhaps not in ways you’d expect.  Fill up a sink of water, then add bubbles, toys, food coloring, or other items in the sink.  Quietly watch them as they float, bob, sink, or spread throughout the water for a calming experience.  Don’t forget, a relaxing bath never hurt either.

Sensory play is a great activity for kids while trying to relax.  Children love to bury their hands in rice, drive toys through shaving cream, or play with a sand timer. 

As I’ve mentioned before, music is used for all sorts of emotions.  You can exercise to upbeat music to burn energy, calm down with lullabies, or fall asleep to soft tunes. 

It’s always a great time to calm down while surrounded by nature.  Allow your kids to play outside, make a few mud pies, eat outdoors, or go camping in your backyard. 

So, we hope you have a great weekend and take advantage of some of these tips!  Enjoy your brief break from school, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.