Featured Image:  Vecteezy

Monday is the last instructional day for the third 9-weeks.  That means there is only one 9-weeks period left.  Time is quickly running out for this school year. 

So, how can you keep your kids motivated throughout the remainder of the year.  Distractions are all over the place right now.  Kids love warmer weather, spring sports, and summer break right around the corner.  Plus, kids are tired this time of year.  

Everyone experiences this "slump," but we must remain focused.  After all, we still desire for our kids to be academically successful!  So, here are some ideas to help keep your kids motivated until summer comes: 

  • Acknowledge that it is hard to stay focused, especially during this time of year. Encourage them and give them ideas to perservere.  
  • Praise your children when they complete their tasks, a compliment goes a long way for many children! 

  • Help your child make a to-do list, include easy and more challenging tasks.   Then, place those tasks on a calendar, so your child knows exactly what to do each day.  
  • Have a scheduled time each day for homework, just be sure it's a time that's good for your child.  Some children like to get it done as soon as they get home, others need a little break first.  

  • Motivate your child to complete tasks.  For example, you can plan an activity or reward to encourage success.  

So, we only have a few weeks left.  We can do this together as we wrap up another successful year!