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We are in the middle of Bluewell School's Pre-K and kindergarten registration dates.  So, let's review the medical documentation required in order to get your child registered. 

  • Updated Immunization Record:  Children need quality health care, and immunizations protect them from certain illnesses.  So, we need to make sure the children are protected once they enter school.
  • Updated Health Check Form or Physical (within the past 12 calendar months): These document any health care needs children may have (such as chronic illnesses or allergies).  Then, we can use that information to create a Health Care Plan, if necessary.  
  • Dental Record (within the past 12 calendar months):  Just like adults, children should see a dentist every six months.  Of course, dentists help with tooth decay.  However, children also build comfort and confidence with the dentist if they visit the office regularly. 

Other required documentation for Pre-K and Kindergarten registration that is not medically related include a completed registration packet, a state-issued birth certificate, and proof of residency. 

Children must be four years old by July 1 (or three-year-old eligible) to register for Pre-K, and they must be five years old by July 1 to register for kindergarten.  As always, call Bluewell School if you have any further questions!