Featured Image:  Sarah Grose

Have you ever wondered why we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day?  Perhaps you assume it’s because St. Patrick’s day is an Irish holiday, or maybe there’s more to it. 

Apparently, blue was the original color for St. Patrick’s Day, because that was the color worn by St. Patrick.  So, people believe that Americans made up the tradition of wearing green on this holiday due to its link to Ireland.

Over the years, wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day became a very strict rule.  If you don’t, then prepare to get pinched!  (As a side note, we don’t pinch at Bluewell School.)

However, the reason you should wear green on St. Patrick’s Day is so you stay invisible to leprechauns.  Therefore, the leprechauns do all the pinching if you don’t wear green.

Of course, Ireland is all about folklore and mythology, so this is all in fun and jest.  We might as well play along and wear green…just for one day. 

The good news is even a little bit of green will keep you hidden from those pesky leprechauns.  Now, be sure to check out what those mischievous rascals did in our kindergarten rooms!