Featured Image:  Sarah Grose

Sometimes, the biggest struggle as a parent is trying to get your child to eat!  Trust me, as a mother of three...I get it!  However, did you know there are some benefits for our children if they eat a school lunch?  Let's look at a few!

First of all, Bluewell School students have returned to the cafeteria for lunch.  So, the cooks are able to provide the kids with heartier, more satisfying lunches than what they received while eating in their classrooms.  That's great news!

Of course, eating healthy goes a long way, regardless of your age.  A full belly helps with concentration, energy, enthusiasm, and performance.  So, the benefits of a healthy school lunch go beyond school.  Here are five ways a healthy school lunch helps our kids:

  • It helps with concentration.  Yes, we as educators find it very hard to teach children while they are hungry.  Naturally, students focus more on their hunger than they do on the class content.  School lunch and academic performance are interwoven. 

  • Healthy meals help with brain development.  This is both directly and indirectly.  Of course, a healthy diet helps with brain function, but also kids want to come to school if they have a good meal.  Therefore, we can teach them while they're here!

  • Healthy foods help boost the immune system.  I feel like we've only been talking about illnesses for the past couple of years, so we might as well have a healthy diet to help combat them. 
  • We all know the term "hangry."  Well, kids get hangry too, so a healthy lunch helps improve a student's attitude.  Even more specific, eating lunch at the same time every day increases students' moods, because they look forward to it. 

  • Healthy school lunches also address childhood obesity.  By making better food selections, a child's weight is better controlled which can decrease depression. 

So, now you have five great reasons for your child to enjoy a healthy school lunch. This proves that a healthy diet is beneficial in several ways.