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Tonight, Bluewell School hosted its virtual Title I Science Night.  Actually, this evening was the county-wide Title I Parent Involvement event, which means that all Title I schools across Mercer County hosted a parent involvement (either virtually or in-person).  

Bluewell School students took home their devices for tonight's event, and they were instructed to log onto their Schoology Reading/ELA class.  There, families found a link to Bluewell School's Title I Parent Night.  

Ms. Lorie Caron and Mrs. Rachel Rose conducted several science experiments for the children, and the students were sent home with an experiment of their own.  Mrs. Rose also demonstrated the at-home experiment for the kids.  

Of course, it takes plenty of planning for an event like this one.  Therefore, we would like to thank our teachers and staff who helped prepare our Title I Science Night. 

Also, we hope you, the families, enjoyed it!  As always, we thank you for your support and dedication to Bluewell School!